A Star is Born! Baby Angela’s Time to Shine

Baby Angela’s birth was honoured by her grandmother Sandra, who had delivered her own children at Humber’s Finch legacy site, births she also commemorated with a star.
When Sandra welcomed her first grandchild she was excited to continue what is becoming a stellar tradition for her family – Making a donation to the Hospital through our Star is Born program in honour of baby Angela.
One special wall on the Maternal & Child floor of Humber River Hospital is a popular spot for visitors and patients to star gaze. It’s decorated with a growing number of stars, each one a tribute to a much-loved baby who was born at the Hospital. Every star includes the newborn’s name and birth date and some include a picture of the baby.
One of the most recent stars added to the wall celebrates the birth of baby Angela, whose birth was honoured by her grandmother, Sandra. This donation is close to Sandra’s heart as she delivered her own daughter and son at Humber’s Finch legacy site many years ago, births she also commemorated with a star.
“During the years that followed my children’s births, we found ourselves at the Finch site often, visiting new members of the family who were born there,” recalls Sandra. “Each time we went, my kids were so excited to find their stars on the wall and to point them out to their cousins!”
When baby Angela was born at Humber’s Wilson site, Sandra was pleased to learn the Hospital was continuing the tradition of A Star is Born. She knew that she wanted to make the same tribute to her granddaughter as she had for her own children.

“My daughter, Celina, had a wonderful experience delivering her daughter at Humber—just as I did many years ago.” says Sandra.
“My granddaughter’s name, Angela Maria, was chosen to honour close relatives on both my daughter’s and her husband’s sides of the family. This makes her star even more special to us all,” says Sandra, who chose to donate to Humber’s area of greatest need.
“I am so pleased to have been able to continue an important family tradition with Angela’s star,” says Sandra. “More than that, I am passionate about giving to causes that are important to me. It’s gratifying to know that my donation is going towards helping the Hospital deliver the best care to its patients.”
“My daughter, Celina, had a wonderful experience delivering her daughter at Humber—just as I did many years ago at the Hospital’s legacy site,” continues Sandra. “While the new site’s single rooms and state-of-the-art technology are very impressive—and made for a lovely experience—what stood out to me and my daughter was the exceptional and warm care that Celina experienced. Her nurse Elnaz was her constant support that day, checking stats, making notes, and providing great support with a big and caring heart. It’s the same care that I was lucky enough to receive from Humber many years ago. In fact, I suspect we may have even had some of the same nurses!”
Angela was born just before Christmas and is now well settled into her home and routines. Sandra is, of course, a frequent visitor and coveted babysitter.
“Angela is such an alert baby, holding her head up at one week and recognizing voices at a very early age,” says Sandra with pride. Clearly, Angela is more than living up to her star billing!