Ellie’s First Year

A year ago, I came into this world fast and furious.
Hi! My name is Eleanor, but my parents call me Ellie.
A year ago, I came into this world fast and furious. When I was born at Humber River Hospital, they called a Code Pink because my heart rate dropped. Dr. Graham Black and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Team came right away to make sure I would be alright. I came out screaming, and fortunately I didn’t have to leave my parents’ side!
They put me in a Panda Warmer, which helps keep babies like me healthy when we’re born. It allows hospital staff to examine, weigh, and work on babies while keeping us warm at the same time. It also allows them to help us breathe if we need help.
Right away I got my own hat made by a Hospital volunteer!
Our suite was big enough that my family could come visit (and my mom’s Humber River Hospital Foundation family visited too)! My dad didn’t have to worry about where he would sleep, because there was a chair in our room that pulled out into a bed.
My big sister loves Humber River Hospital because it was the hospital where I was born – and she likes to dance with Pepper!

I just got my one year shots with Dr. Shirley Sit. She’s my paediatrician and I love her office.
My mom says she is thankful that Humber River Hospital is nearby. Dr. Ben Tse was her OB-GYN before I was born, Dr. Karli Mayo delivered me, and I’ve been cared for by so many staff since then. I just turned 1, so I just got my one year shots with Dr. Shirley Sit. She’s my paediatrician and I love her office because I got a big sticker and they give me lots of cuddles there.
A few times when I wasn’t feeling well, my parents have taken me to see a Humber paediatrician at the Totally Kids Clinic. Every day from 5 – 9 pm, families like mine can avoid the ER and see a Humber paediatrician for non-emergency health care like stomach aches or fevers. I’ve met Dr. Guy Widrich, Dr. Khalid Almajid, Dr. Hasan AlShabanah, and Dr. Jay Dahman. They are all so nice!
I even took some of my first steps at Humber!
Being a Humber Baby doesn’t just mean I was born here. It also means that Humber is my Hospital and will be my Hospital as I grow up.
“I’m like every other mother,” says my mom. “I just want good healthcare for my kids.”