Fundraising Spotlight: Area of Greatest Need

“In the end, we are supporters of the Hospital and its ability to help families in our community promptly and efficiently, which is so important in healthcare services today.” – Philip and Sherry Evershed, Area of Greatest Need Donors
Did you know that donating to our Area of Greatest Need fund is one of the most impactful ways to give? While designated funds are essential to advancing important organizational projects (like our Robotic Surgery Campaign), donating to Area of Greatest Need, an unrestricted fund, allows us to carry out important work untied to specific projects.
Donating to Area of Greatest Need gives us the flexibility to make immediate impact when and where it’s needed most, and supports all areas of Humber River Health. These donations allow us to react to urgent issues quickly in response to the changing needs of healthcare. In fact, Humber River Health’s Wilson Site was made possible by Area of Greatest Need Donations.
Unrestricted funds help Humber River Health pay for things like infrastructure, equipment, program expansion, emergency expenses, and professional development. Here are some of the amazing things your Area of Greatest Needs donations have helped fund in recent years:
The Arctic Sun Thermal Cooling System
A non-invasive cooling device in our ICU that can quickly lower body temperature when it’s needed to reduce damage to vital organs. This has made a huge impact on patients in trauma, like cardiac arrest and those with COVID-19 related illness, where timing is critical to preserve brain and body function!
Paediatric Resuscitation with the Neonatal Baton
Equipment that helps intubate paediatric patients in our Apotex Emergency Department that are struggling with their breathing due to respiratory viruses and other issues. The Baton works with a system called GlideScope AVL, which provides a clear view of the airway and enhanced maneuverability, for fast intubations where every second counts.