Interview: Alan Naiman, Planned Giving Advisory Committee
Tell us a little about yourself!
My name is Alan Naiman and I’m a Tax Partner at KPMG. I work with a lot of families on estate planning, tax planning and tax compliance. I have a great interest in the estate planning field, helping families preserve wealth for the next generation and developing effective strategies for charitable gifting.
What makes you passionate about Humber River Health?

“People should understand that donating a cash gift to support the charities that are important to you is not necessarily the best choice,” says Alan. “There are many benefits to donating through your will and through such vehicles as public company securities.”
I’m really impressed by the technology that has been embraced and implemented by Humber—from the immediately visible equipment that improves patients’ experiences and outcomes to the technology that keeps things moving behind the scenes.
I visited the Pharmacy Department on a tour of the Hospital and it was amazing to see all the controls that are in place to make sure that the right medication in the right dosage is going to the right patient. Technology really cuts down on the margin for error and improves security. Humber is a hospital for the 21st century!
What led to your involvement with the Foundation?
My family has had nothing but positive experiences with the Hospital. We hear every day about the strains on our healthcare system and I am very happy to share my professional expertise to support Humber River Health.
When the opportunity to get involved with HRHF’s Planned Giving Advisory Committee came up earlier this year, I was immediately interested.
I’ve always sought out volunteer opportunities that are meaningful to me and my family—and to which I have a personal connection.
I wish more people would look at aligning their gifting strategies with healthcare—in addition to supporting the community, you never know when you or your loved ones are going to need care.
What is something you wish everyone understood about leaving a gift in their Will?
People should understand that donating a cash gift to support the charities that are important to you is not necessarily the best choice. There are many benefits to donating through your will and through such vehicles as public company securities.
To me, the choice is that you either give your money to the government through taxes, or you direct a portion of it to a charity that’s near and dear to your heart. More and more, my family clients are becoming interested in this tax-effective way to create a legacy and support the organizations and causes that are important to them, like Humber River Health Foundation!
Watch a webinar where two of our experienced Planned Giving Advisory Committee members, Mark Halpern, CEO of WEALTHinsurance, and Alan Naiman, Tax Partner at KPMG, discuss:
– Cost-efficient and tax-effective strategies for giving
– The most important Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) changes for donors to understand
– And any questions you may have about Planned Giving!
Do you have a question you would like answered by our experts? If you’d like to learn more about this type of giving, please contact Caterina Magisano at 416.242.1000 ext. 81516,
This information does not replace advice from your professional finance advisor. Please contact them with questions about your specific financial life plan.