Interview: Dr. Judith Seary, Geriatrician
Tell us a little about yourself!
I’m Dr. Judith Seary and I’m newest Geriatrician at Humber River Hospital. I started this past October.

“Humber recognizes that there are aspects of seniors care that are unique and that this is an opportunity to provide more tailored care,” says Dr. Judith Seary. “There is also a recognition that this can be an opportunity to innovate.”
In one sentence, how would you explain your job to a friend?
I help older adults live well.
What makes you proud of how seniors are cared for at Humber?
Humber recognizes that there are aspects of seniors care that are unique and that this is an opportunity to provide more tailored care. There is also a recognition that this can be an opportunity to innovate. For example, the HEART Program (Humber’s Elderly Assess and Restore Team) brings early mobilization to the patients who need it, regardless of whether they are admitted to the Hospital. In the last year, we have established shared care, between orthopaedic surgery and geriatric medicine, for older adults with hip fractures. And, we have implemented early delirium detection.
What are the three most interesting pieces of technology at Humber?
The Command Centre, through monitoring multiple indicators, has the potential to detect patients at-risk for functional decline and delirium. Identifying these patients early is important for achieving the best long-term outcomes for each individual. It also positions Humber to better develop and assess models of care.

“The Command Centre, through monitoring multiple indicators, has the potential to detect patients at-risk for functional decline and delirium,” says Dr. Seary.
We have access to interpretation services through multiple technologies including mobile video units, which is important for providing care in a patient’s first language.
What is one awesome thing you’ve done in the last year?
I saw Sir Elton John perform when he came to Toronto. He’s 72 and keeps doing what he’s passionate about! His show was definitely awesome.
What inspires you?
Stories. Geriatrics is a very privileged specialty because we have the time to get to know our patients as individuals with unique stories and fascinating lives.