Interview: Nick Simone, HRH Foundation Board Member
Since this interview was published, Nick has stepped up in his role from a Board of Director to Humber River Hospital Foundation’s Board Chair! We hope you enjoy Nick’s interview!
Tell us a little about yourself!
My name is Nick Simone, and I joined Humber River Hospital Foundation’s Board of Directors in August 2020. I have a background in entrepreneurship and am passionate about improving operations and systems. I have had the honour of leading many organizations in the financial services sector to success.
What makes you passionate about Humber River Hospital?

“The technology behind the Command Centre, Humber’s data-driven mission control, is unbelievable,” says Nick.
Humber has been important to my family my entire life. I grew up near the Church Legacy Site where my grandparents received care on a regular basis. My father was also a Cancer Care patient there. I knew that Hospital inside out. My mom’s Cardiologist is at Humber. Humber River Hospital is and has always been my family’s Hospital.
Are there any other Programs of Care that you have a personal connection to?
My daughter is currently completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology, so I’m very interested in Mental Health. I have been really impressed learning about Humber’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program.
What is the most interesting way technology is being used at Humber?
The technology behind the Command Centre, Humber’s data-driven mission control, is unbelievable. The Command Centre draws on real-time data and video feeds from across the Hospital, and uses advanced algorithms and predictive analytics to continuously interpret these data flows – all so that we can help patients move smoothly through the Hospital.
The closed-loop Pharmacy system is also quite impressive. All of the medication is being picked, packaged, delivered, and administered with a remarkably low chance of error.
And, I enjoy telling others about Humber’s Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) that deliver linens, food and non-narcotic medication throughout the Hospital.

“The closed-loop Pharmacy system is also quite impressive,” says Nick. “All of the medication is being picked, packaged, delivered, and administered with a remarkably low chance of error.”
Do you have a favourite fundraising project?
I have been on Team Revolution for about five years. We are a group of cyclists who raise money for local healthcare and have raised over $2 million to date! I have travelled with Team Revolution to Italy twice to ride in granfondos in support of Humber River Hospital.
I am also a golfer, and that is how I got involved with the AWESOME Invitational Golf Tournament. Last year, AWESOME was one of the only events that was able to happen during the pandemic. We took a different approach so that it would be safe, and it was a big success.
I am happy to report that we have already sold out for 2021! This will be my second year as Chair, and we are ready for another great Tournament at Islington Golf Club!
What inspires you?
I am inspired by people who do good things, treat others fairly, and make ethical, moral decisions, so I do my best to live that way too. My family and friends are important to me. And my relationship with my peers and the people I work with is important to me. I try to set an example of being kind and giving back.