McHappy Day 2022 Raises over $20,000 for the NICU

Thank you to Robert, Jason and the entire team who chose to generously support Humber’s NICU again!
It was another successful McHappy Day!
Every year, McDonald’s Canada franchisees and crew across the country celebrate McHappy Day, which is an annual day of community giving in support of local charities.
On Wednesday May 11, 2022, 14 McDonald’s locations throughout the Humber community supported Humber River Hospital by donating 10 percent of product sales to support the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) – Humber’s tiniest and most vulnerable patients!
The Results Are In!
We are proud to announce that the 14 participating McDonald’s locations supporting Humber River Hospital have raised over $20,000.00!
This couldn’t have been achieved without the support from McDonald’s customers and the many volunteers who took the time to be a part of McHappy Day, including our corporate volunteers such as RBC, Signet Group and Greenwin Corp. who joined in on the fun!

Thank you to Robert, Abby and team who also chose to generously support Humber’s NICU again!
The money raised will help purchase new ventilators that will help our NICU achieve Level 2C status, which can care for even smaller and sicker babies. This means families in our Humber community will no longer need to travel to other hospitals downtown or beyond since babies born as early as 30 weeks requiring ventilation can stay close to their parents at Humber.
A special thank you to franchisees Jon MacDonald and Robert Nadeau and their teams who chose to generously support Humber’s NICU once again with their combined 14 McDonald’s stores.
Check out our Facebook page here for more photos from McHappy Day 2022!