“If you can, you must!” A Perspective on Giving with Grateful Donors Megan and Hugo Sorensen

“Like many others, we believe in paying it forward, and as such, are committed to further support at Humber River Health,” says Hugo.
Megan and Hugo Sorensen first connected with Humber River Health when Hugo realized that he needed hip surgery. “I was researching to ascertain who was the best surgeon in the Toronto area for this type of surgery says Hugo. After triangulating several references, the resounding consensus was…you must connect with Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Elizalde at Humber River Health.”
At the time, the Province of Ontario had significantly restricted the number of elective surgeries that could be performed, thereby unfortunately greatly increasing wait times. “We were concerned about how long I would have to wait to have the surgery, let alone the recovery time,” says Hugo. “We were looking at all options to try to get this done sooner.”
Through the assessment process it was decided that both hip joints ultimately needed to be done. Fortunately, Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde was able to accommodate Hugo’s surgical needs within a matter of weeks!
Megan and Hugo were very grateful to Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde for the remarkable responsiveness, attention, and care Hugo received from pre-operation to post-operation. “Every time I called, including the follow-ups that Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde would initiate, the response time was incredible! It felt like he was there for me every step of the way,” says Hugo.
Megan and Hugo’s appreciation for the care Hugo received sparked a desire to give back to Humber in a way that could help ensure others were able to get the same level of treatment. “Our family has long been of the perspective that “if you can, you must,” says Hugo. “We were so impressed with the care received, the speed of booking the operation, and the overall results that we felt compelled to do more.”
For Megan and Hugo, giving isn’t just about writing a cheque: it’s about ensuring their contribution makes a tangible impact. “We like to ensure that when we give, we know where the money goes,” says Hugo. “It’s one thing to give to a general fund, but we are keen to specifically and directly support Humber’s greatest priorities, particularly in areas that have been there for our family when we’ve needed them the most.”
Since Hugo’s surgery in 2017, Megan and Hugo have generously supported numerous other initiatives throughout Humber River Health, including Humber’s COVID-19 community response, and the critical work in Orthopaedics and Robotic Surgery. Even though Hugo’s surgery was a traditional bilateral hip procedure, he has since discovered the value in supporting Robotic Surgery. “We came to learn that Robotics allows for more precise surgery, faster recovery, and increased throughput,” says Hugo. “It’s about making healthcare more efficient: more people getting a higher level of care. That makes good sense to me.”
Megan and Hugo highlight a common obstacle hindering the progress of technological advancements in healthcare. “Many of these technological advancements are available, yet they often lack funding until donors demonstrate their support and effectiveness,” says Hugo. Despite their availability, these innovations often remain underfunded until donors validate their effectiveness, prompting government support to follow suit.
Megan and Hugo have also made a commitment to Plastic Surgery thanks to the exceptional care their family received at Humber. Their son had a serious sports injury in the Netherlands and needed immediate oral maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Marco Caminiti, Division Head of Oral Surgery at Humber, worked closely with the Sorensens to arrange for prompt treatment upon their son’s return to Canada. “The response was absolutely incredible….our son flew back to Canada and the very next day, he had his surgery,” says Hugo.

“Dr. Ayeni was fantastic! Just a wonderful man, a champion,” says Hugo. “The concern, the professionalism and impeccable service that he gave to me and assuredly others in his care is second-to-none.”
Additionally, Hugo faced further health challenges when he encountered issues with his hands. Seeking relief, he turned to Dr. Olubukunola Ayeni, a renowned specialist in hand surgery at Humber. “Dr. Ayeni was fantastic! Just a wonderful man, a champion,” says Hugo. “The concern, the professionalism and impeccable service that he gave to me and assuredly others in his care is second-to-none.”
Following Hugo’s positive patient experience, both Megan and Hugo were inspired to support Dr. Ayeni’s area of care through the purchase of a Mini-C-Arm. The need for a Mini C-Arm, a compact and portable device perfectly suited for tight spaces like operating rooms and clinics, was the capital need of our Plastics Surgery outpatient clinic.
The Mini C-Arm’s easy mobility allows for convenient positioning during procedures, producing a focused beam for precise imaging, which is especially beneficial for hand surgeries. Additionally, they use less radiation than standard C-Arms, ensuring greater safety for both patients and staff. Their practicality and ease of use make Mini C-Arms particularly suited for orthopedic procedures involving the hands, ankles, and feet.
It’s clear that for Megan and Hugo, giving back isn’t just a choice; it’s a way of life. “It’s actually not a long philosophical perspective on things,” says Hugo. “It’s just a practical and actual way we think.” Megan and Hugo hope that others will turn to healthcare philanthropy and become the beneficiaries of the critical work done at Humber. “If we can encourage others to support and donate, that’s great!” says Hugo. “Like many others, we believe in paying it forward, and as such, are committed to further support at Humber River Health.”