Thank you
Thank you for helping us build an impressive state-of-the art facility that has attracted world-wide attention. Thank you for enabling us to attract and retain the right physicians and staff to ensure that the best possible outcomes are paired with the most compassionate care. Thank you for investing in the possibility of a vibrant and healthy community. Thank you for realizing that there is always more we must do and for continuing to support the Humber River Health as we prepare for the future. We are fulfilling our promise of patient-centred care every day. Without you this would be impossible.
Donor Lists
Donors of Distinction | Humber’s Very Own
If we’ve missed your name, we apologize for the omission. Please contact us so we can fix the problem and properly honour your generous contribution:
Michelle Tafler
Vice President, Marketing & Donor Engagement
416-242-1000 Ext. 81522